Practice does not make perfect.

PERFECT practice does.

Online coaching like no other

For less than the cost of a personal trainer at your local gym, you can become one of our online coaching clients. This isn't just "personal training". You will be mentored by the very coaches who made CHOPAIN not just a house of pain, but a home of champions.

How do we get started?

After an extensive assessment where we will determine your needs, goals, and any training or lifestyle constraints, we will then set you upon your rite of passage from being the man (or woman) you are now into the man (or woman) you've always wanted to be. In case you're wondering, yes there are plenty of women tough enough to be one of us.

Let this be a warning

Our philosophy is simple. Our methods, while certainly effective, are sinister. Only if you are hell-bent on attaining your fitness goals will we welcome you into the fold. Otherwise, this is not the place for you. You have been warned.

For more info on coaching, fill out the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.